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Within the Podcasts section in the bottom bar, the Subscriptions tab is where you can manage podcasts you’re already subscribed to.

Tap on any podcast in the list to see options to customize settings related to that podcast. You can also tap Unsubscribe to stop getting new episodes of that podcast in your Inbox.

Each podcast has a set of customizable settings detailed below.


This prescribes where new episodes of the podcast appear. By default, all new episodes show in your Inbox. If you’d like to change this, here are other places you can choose for each new episode to instead appear:

  • Up Next. New episodes appear in your Playlist right after the currently playing episode.
  • Playlist. New episodes appear at the end of your Playlist.
  • Later. New episodes appear at the end of your Later list, which allows you to decide at a later point whether to listen to the episode. You can find this list in the Later tab of the Playlist section in the bottom bar


You can receive notifications on your phone when new episodes of the podcast become available. This is on by default, and needs your permission in the phone’s notification settings in order to enable.

Custom Speed

You can set a custom playback speed for any particular podcast between 0.5 - 5x. To use the default speed for all podcasts set in Settings -> Playback Settings, just set the custom speed to the same speed as in Playback Settings.

Skip Beginning / End

To automatically skip the beginning and/or end of all episodes in a particular podcast, adjust these times as needed.


This will stop looking for new episodes of this podcast and also remove any existing episodes in Inbox. Episodes you’ve already put into Playlist, Later, or History are kept in place.

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