Superphonic Button
The Superphonic Button is the round button in at the bottom center of the screen. Its many versatile behaviors have earned it US Patent 12,160,641.
Tapping on the Superphonic Button plays or pauses audio.
Press and hold on the Superphonic Button to enter Car Mode.
Swipe right to skip forward, and swipe left to skip back. You can control how much forward or back to skip via Playback Settings. You can also change whether Superphonic skips a fixed amount every swipe or whether the amount skipped varies with the length of the swipe.
Drag and hold the button to the right to scan forward, or left to scan back. Short snippets of audio will play in fixed increments ahead/behind your current position until you let go of the Superphonic Button. This gives a quick way to check forward or backward in the audio until you find the exact spot you want.