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Podcast Page

You can see details and settings for any particular podcast on its Podcast Page in Superphonic. The Podcast Page can be shown by:

On the Podcast Page, you can do any of the following.

Subscribe / Unsubcribe

Tap the Subscribe button to track new episodes of the podcast. When subscribing, you can choose whether new episodes end up in Inbox, Playlist, or the Later list. You can also choose whether to get notifications about new episodes.

If you unsubscribe from a podcast, all its episodes in your Inbox will be deleted. Episodes in your Playlist, Later list, and History will remain.


Tap the Settings gear to change how the podcast behaves. You can tweak:

  • Location: whether new episodes appear in Inbox, Playlist, or the Later list.
  • Notification: whether you want to be notified of new episodes.
  • Custom Speed: a custom playback speed specific to this podcast. If you no longer want a custom speed, simply set the speed to the same setting as the general playback speed in Playback Settings.
  • Skip Beginning / End: automatically skip an amount of time at the beginning or end of each episode

Bulk Actions

Type any phrase to search for it in titles and descriptions of the podcast’s episodes. Swipe right on any episode to add it to Playlist, or swipe left to add it to the Later list.

Tap Select to choose multiple episodes to act on. You can then put all selected episodes into your Playlist or Later list.

Tap the ... button above the episode list to sort the list by date (in either direction) or to filter the list based on whether you’ve already heard any particular episode.

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